Sunday, February 15, 2009

POPPIN' 19th - Part ii

Meetup with WONGWONGWONG on the 11th. SOMEONE was late. Bused to Dover to meet her after my access test. It was considered easy as I thought it'll be much more harder. Caught up alot while training down to Popeye. The late arrived and we went over for the yummmmmy chicken, mash potato~ :D

Bused down to Boat Quay and made my virgin trip to MindsCafe. Happy hour 2-6pm with free flow of drinks at only 5.90SGD. CHEAP right! The in charge there were also helpful as they intro us really nice games. Someone keep insisting we cheated when we didn't! *innocent* SOB! Well losers are always you know...

MUAHAHA! Ticket to ride, Rat a Tat Cat & Ruin are all quite fun games! Some games are out to break up friendship de. LOL joking but you see how one behaves during the process. Sent wongwongwong back to cityhall before we left.

Hope to go out soooooon again! :D

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