Tuesday, May 13, 2008

How much do you know?

Do you know what's going on around the world?

I emptied all my cash I had with me & donated to BA CARES for the Mynamar victims who were badly affected by the cyclone. If I had more money, I will definitely not hesitate and give whatever amount I can. It's like our "neighbour" is in trouble so we should lend them a helping hand. =)

  • The death toll from the Myanmar cyclone is more than 15,000 people

  • Earthquake struck southwestern Sichuan province, killing nearly 12,000 people. The death toll in China increases. & there are still people who are buried and missing. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080513/ap_on_re_as/china_earthquake;_ylt=AiWUi27WRCMa.SA6ld1MhbWs0NUE

    Why is so many disasters happening? Look at the amount of people who were killed or went missing. It's just so saddening to see the statistics increasing hour by hour, day by day. We are really fortunate as such disasters are not very likely to happen in Singapore.

    I hope the situation over the other side of the world will be better. I really pray that things will be alright & fine for the victims.


    But I saw the ugly side of human also. They actually are calculative on how much to donate. ZZZ. If you have the ability, just donate what you can. Not like you cannot afford.


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