Saturday, August 04, 2007

The ho xiao belle[s] :D

Hopefully we'll be in the same class for next sem. It's weird. Why? The ho and belle are in the same class and I'm in another class. I guess combined class brought us together. Though I know Belle from orientation but wasn't close with her at all. FYI, she came for one day only. Haha! =D Come to think of it, we're from the same group- DWARKA.

Came up with hoxiaobelle during one of the bcomm tutorials when doing a assignment. Hope we can stay like that. It's always fun and easy with 'em around. xD

GAH! Guess I will miss these people.

Those times when we were on the same dance floor, having difficulties in the dance moves, bumping into one another, munching away during lessons, gossiping... Yeah and my MEOWmates! The Fridays we spent sitting down listening to sugar and his rantings, the weekends working on the assignments.. 2 of em are actually in the same s&w class as me. Coincidental or COINCIDENTAL? (: Chacha and jive. Woots!

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