Did some econs in the morning and I really hate it. All the different market structures. So many and all the graphs are confusing me already. And worst was that I found out my article was 1995 and only recent articles can be used. Well done. I've to search for new article.
I'm so in ''love'' with school.
Gotta clear all these pile of work so that I can spend tml working on the analysis of articles coz I need factiva in order to find articles. I just cannot find any suitable ones online.
Oh ya. My CATS presentation was on Friday and that was also our last lesson. :D Happy and abit sad la. But had loads of fun working with these bunch of people. Those Saturdays we spend at atrium & outside. Wheeeee we gonna choose the same IS slot if possible. Yeah my meimei Xuanfang~
Went for S&W. Was pretty fun. Melvin din come so the guy from DS took us. He kept repeating very good and made us had a good laugh. Damn hilarious when me & belle were dancing the wrong steps. LOL!
Oh ya, there's also filming of the HEYGorgeous at the atrium. And Congrats Angelia who emerge as the Flower.
It's also SHUMAN's b'day that day.
HAPPY 17th B'DAY sweetie pie. ['',]
ALRIGHT! Back to work.
Note to self:
- MIEC Feb 2007 paper
- Oligopoly tutorial
- Correlation & Regression tutorial
- MIEC artice analysis
Bye! =D
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