Saturday, January 20, 2007

There are so many what if(s) going through my head right now (!!!)

!! Do not read on if you can't stand my what if(s)... !!

What if I cannot get into my dream course- Tourism & Resort Managemnent?

What if I do not get 14points or below for L1b4?

What if I fail my EL?

What if I ended up in a course that I have no interest for at all?

What if I ended up in courses related to engineering or IT which I have no interest in?

What if I don't get into the school I want?

What if I remain in Fuhua?? (CHOY!!! HOPE NOT. *keeping my fingers cross*)

What if ...

There are so many what if(s) in my mind now.. (!!!)
Heard that the release of Os will be on 2ndfeb. (True or not? Can't MOE faster release the dates for the results?)

Pre-results phobia or something. =/

Anyway the papers are marked. The results won't change regardless of what. Since what I've been saying is quite true nowadays thus now I make a wish and hope that this wish will come true on 2ndfeb;

Hope my r5 will not exceed 20 and my b4 will be around 13-14 points. I'm not greedy. (: I believe it's possible!! 4subjects to be 13points since chinese already secure a 1. One subject average 3.25. Hope my f&n can get 2 like what ms lai say.

HOPEFULLY all my WHAT IF(S) will all not come true. =)

And yeah just bought Daren's single. (:
I BELIEVE myself!!

Been listening to the song, it's just so NICE!!!

SIQI!!! my stupid hipposter~~ I NEVER FORGET U OKAY!!! ;D miss u (!!!) takecare and meet up SOON lahz hor!! (:

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