Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Away for twelve nights

After 2months of night classes which literally killed me, exams marked the end of bridging on the 6th. The Maths paper which we're quite confident of is __________. Econs is a subject which drove me crazy seriously. Due to the lack of time to study due to work.

Just pray hard that I'll clear them and get exempted to embark on the less than 2 years mugging journey with my dear zlm (as seen below):

We'll continue to jigggggy and elastic fantastic our way through~

The most happening thing in July will be the class BBQ & ManMan's big2!


Get-together with the awesome secondary sch mates. Had fun catching up, going crazy over kpop, playing games and eating the wonderful yummy bbq food. Damn proud of myself because I started the fire! :> Surprised Shuman with a cake, advanced celeb' over the weekends!


Caught Inception with the girls. Astons for dinner. Rocher dao huay for desserts! Awesome day out. Happy birthday to Manman aka mummy kangarooooo! ^^

* * * * *

It was our motherland's birthday yesterday, happy 45th! Was at Padang with the sea of red. Singing the National athem alot and reading aloud the pledge. I am proud to be a Singaporean! :)

In less than 7hours, I will be on the plane away for twelve nights! Can't wait to eat, shop, sightsee and eat! My decent holiday ever since end of March since I've been working and working.

Bye Singapore! =D

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