Saturday, September 05, 2009

The Ugly Truth

1) What do you think is the biggest turn-off (disgust) during a date?

I think the biggest turn-off during a date will be guys who are egoistic and those are not gentlemen.

Egoistic simply refers to being self-centered or selfish and not sparing a thought about the other party. Guys who do not seek girls' opinions or suggestions and just decide everything by himself. Take for example, when deciding where to eat, the guy just pick the place himself without asking the girl's preference. Perhaps the girl do not take spicy food and he just insist on going for curry. Girls just dislike chauvinist who make their own decisions and do things their way!

Guys who are not gentlemen is another big turn-off!!! Guys should be considerate and attentive to little details like holding the door for girls. It may really give girls a good impression and feel about the guy for sure!

2) Why do you want to watch “The Ugly Truth”.

I want to watch "The Ugly Truth" because I want to know THE UGLY TRUTH that actually makes men and women tick! I think it will be pretty interesting to see how we can relate what happen in the plot to reality!

Be a fan at the official Facebook page and catch The Ugly Truth when it opens in the cinemas on the 17th September 09!

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