Monday, October 06, 2008

Only they can do it!



They really rock the stage man! HIGHHHHHHH~

Liked 五月天 since N years back. One of my favourite bands. They can sing and play music really well. As compared to some bands that are really CMI. Superband is like _____. Season one is so so much better definitely! The 默契 MAYDAY have is totally awesome! They never fail to create a highhhhh atmosphere in all the performances!! In short, they're the best luh!!! (:

eat the spongebob! PATRICK says "NOOOOOoo"!!!!

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MY BFF, WAYNIE (as shown above). Well I don't post your picture because I know you wouldn't want to get famous. WELL WELL (wishing well), I so gonna post someday alright!

BFF 2; Eeyore!~ Awwww pictures need to be scanned through before posting so well well, this will do right. LOVE LOVE! ai wo!~

P.S. Membership fees to be accounted for asap. :D

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无法归类 dropped 3 positions, from 8th to 11th.
你走天桥我走地下道 jumped 5positions! 13th to 8th! :D :D

I must say JAY! is really power!~
The song, 稻香 is 12th on the first week on the charts!
SHE 's 沿海公路的出口 champ with the 3rd time.

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my bones are giving way after one day of intense 12hrs work! i heard the cracccccccck sound. zomggggg i am exaggerating? but is really sour dao max! Slept for hours, but it ain't enough. Met up q & for the first time in so many months, I see the shelves in ntuc stocked up w pocy pocky! took 3 while q had 2! =)

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hope everything is alright for ho! =)
stay strong gal, i know you can de!

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Hope no MONDAY blues. Check out JAM 蕭敬騰's BLUE.
Totally left me in awe listening to him singing rock!

JAM 蕭敬騰 BLUES Vampire ver. - JAM 蕭敬騰

Just finished my online submission for the itp!

Time for bed, 1.17am aldy!

Movie after work tml :D
Fast forward time to 6pm!

HELLO i am Bernice ,

Peace out!

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